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Firebase Genkit - Mistral AI Plugin

Mistral AI Community Plugin for Google Firebase Genkit

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genkitx-mistral is a community plugin for using Mistral AI APIs with Firebase Genkit. Built by The Fire Company. 🔥


Install the plugin in your project with your favorite package manager:

  • npm install genkitx-mistral
  • yarn add genkitx-mistral
  • pnpm add genkitx-mistral



import { genkit } from 'genkit';
import mistral, { openMistral7B } from 'genkitx-mistral';

const ai = genkit({
plugins: [mistral({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' })],
model: openMistral7B,

Basic examples​

The simplest way to generate text is by using the generate method:

const response = await ai.generate({
model: openMixtral8x22B, // model imported from genkitx-mistral
prompt: 'Tell me a joke.',


Text Embeddings​

import { mistralembed } from 'genkitx-mistral';

const embedding = await ai.embed({
embedder: mistralembed,
content: 'Hello world',



import { openPixtral } from 'genkitx-mistral';

const { text } = await ai.generate({
prompt: [{ media: { url: 'https://my-photo.jpg' } }, { text: input }],
model: openPixtral,
config: {
version: 'pixtral-12b-2409',

return JSON.stringify(text);


import { ocr } from 'genkitx-mistral';

export const ocrFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'ocrFlow',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (input) => {
const { text } = await ai.generate({
model: ocr,
prompt: 'parse the document',
config: {
document: {
documentUrl: input,
type: 'document_url',

return JSON.stringify(text);

Within a flow​

import { z } from 'genkit';

// ...initialize genkit as above...

export const jokeFlow = ai.defineFlow(
name: 'jokeFlow',
inputSchema: z.string(),
outputSchema: z.string(),
async (subject) => {
const llmResponse = await ai.generate({
prompt: `tell me a joke about ${subject}`,
return llmResponse.text;

// Run the flow using the CLI:
// genkit flow:run jokeFlow "chicken"


Want to contribute to the project? That's awesome! Head over to our Contribution Guidelines.

Need support?​


This repository depends on Google's Firebase Genkit. For issues and questions related to Genkit, please refer to instructions available in Genkit's repository. :::

Reach out by opening a discussion on Github Discussions.


This plugin is proudly maintained by the team at The Fire Company. 🔥


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.